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Don Brown - Director

Don Brown has 40 years’ experience in the water sector, incorporating skills in engineering, business management, the environment, results based management, evaluative methodologies and economics.  After initial work in engineering (including design, planning and implementation in the water sector) during the last 15 years he has concentrated on the institutional and delivery aspects of appropriate development methodologies including monitoring, verification and evaluation. He has established M&E systems for both WASH and water resources programmes in Africa & Asia, and has led several international multi-disciplinary monitoring, verification and evaluation studies.



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Mike Felton - Director

Mike Felton is a Director at Iwel with extensive experience working in the international development sector. He specialises in monitoring and evaluation, and helped pioneer early thinking on results-based logical framework – a field in which he is considered a leading expert. Mike has a long track record of working with the major international agencies in Africa on M&E assignments across different sectors, and is adept at training, facilitation, Theory of Change and progress monitoring.


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Rachel Norman - Core Associate Consultant

Dr Rachel Norman is a Consultant with over 20 years’ experience working on results-based programming, management and monitoring. Rachel is highly proficient in social science research methodology, qualitative and quantitative theory and practice, and has applied these skills to generate research and evaluation findings from and for a range of different clients including UK government, USAID, UN agencies, EC and non-governmental organisations. She is also adept at strategic planning, quality assurance, corporate systems re-engineering, financial management and risk management. 


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Ben Harris - Core Associate Consultant

Ben Harris is a water and sanitation specialist with experience working across implementation, monitoring and evaluation and research in water, sanitation and hygiene. His current focus is on the monitoring of WASH programmes, understanding how high-quality data can provide insights into the state of WASH services, and drive improvements in provision. Ben also has expertise in understanding the sustainability of rural water services and has developed tools to assess the institutional and financial performance of water service providers and how this links to the service level received by households.


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Joseph Thompson - Core Associate Consultant

Joseph Thompson is a research and MEL Consultant, with expertise in water resources, water for food and water and sanitation. He is well-versed in mixed-methods research and M&E approaches that cover data collection, analysis and synthesis. He is also proficient in evaluative thinking, learning and evidence-based decision-making, and adept at making complex data easy to digest; designing and constructing Theories of Change and data visuals. These tools have been utilised to help design and implement M&E frameworks and processes across a range of programmes for clients such as the UK government, NGOs, philanthropic organisations and UN agencies.


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